
The New West Hockey League (TNWHL)

Rules and Regulations

Player Eligibility

  1. A player will be defined as any skater or goalie (full or part time) who has signed the player waiver form and is registered on a Team Roster with the TNWHL.
    • All players must be 19 years of age or older
    • Any Team that has a player playing in a game, without the liability waiver form signed, will automatically have that players points removed and the score revised.
  2. TNWHL will reserve the right to refuse any player registration into the league.
  3. Team spares should be labeled on the Team Roster sheet and can play provided they have filled out the liability waiver with TNWHL and have notified TNWHL prior; any additional spares must be reported to TNWHL 72 hours prior to the game to ensure they are covered through insurance.


  1. TNWHL will post the Season schedule at
    • Team reps are responsible to ensure their team shows up to play all games throughout the season including playoffs
    • All forfeits will be recorded as a 5 – 0 win for the opposing team.
    • Any team/player being expelled from TNWHL will do so with no refund of their Regular Season.


  1. All TNWHL games have a scheduled 75 min time slot, allowing a 4 minute warmup followed by 3 23 minute periods and a 1 minute stoppage in between periods.
  2. Teams are required to have a minimum 5 skaters and a goalie on the ice and ready to play at game time scheduled. In the event that one team has less than the required 5 players at game time, the game will be considered a forfeit at the expense of the team with not enough players. EXCEPTION to this rule is if the opposing team agrees to ‘donate’ players of their own to the other team as spares in order to fill the required number of players, the game will then proceed.
  3. Stats are kept by each individual team and submitted to TNWHL who will then update the website and track spares for playoff eligibility. Playoff eligibility is minimum 8 games or a fully paid roster player.
  4. All games follow the Hockey Canada handbook with the exception of certain items that are as follows:

-Icing- calls are made from behind the blue line and are no touch

-Slap Shots- are not permitted and will be blown dead. A slap shot is considered any shot above the knees and are at discretion of the referee.

-TNWHL is a non-contact and non-fighting league, players who decide to fight will face further disciplinary action which will include suspension from league.

-All penalties will result in a penalty shot for the opposing team taken by the player who was obstructed with.

-All line changes within the last 3 mins of the period will be “on the fly”

Penalties and Suspensions

  1. TNWHL will be regarded as a NON-CONTACT hockey league; any body contact will be called a penalty or not at the discretion of the on ice officials.
  2. TNWHL has a zero tolerance policy towards verbal or physical abuse of on-ice officials, arena staff, or TNWHL members.  Any player who threatens the safety and well-being of any on-ice of off-ice official will be reviewed and may receive a maximum lifetime ban from the TNWHL
  3. Any player that receives three (3) minor infractions in a single game will be ejected from that game.
  4. Any player that is ejected from a game in TNWHL may be suspended at the discretion of the league.
  5. A high stick that causes an opponent to bleed may be treated as a double minor or more at the discretion of the on ice officials.
    1. The double minor will count as two (2) stick infractions and may include a mandatory ejection for the offending player and further review from the TNWHL.
  6. Any gross misconduct penalty will carry an automatic game suspension that can be appealed.
  7. Any match penalty assessed in a TNWHL game will incur, upon Board review, a potential indefinite suspension and may carry further suspension including a life-time ban from TNWHL.
  8. Any player that plays a TNWHL game while under a current suspension will be banned from the League indefinitely.
    1. A suspended player is not allowed on the bench in a TNWHL game or permitted to interfere with the games enjoyment as a spectator.

Player Waiver Forms

Each and every player must fill out and submit their on-line waiver forms. Manager of each team is responsible for the Waivers to be completed, signed, and submitted.

NO PLAYER CAN PLAY in TNWHL games without the waiver being submitted.

Please visit the website and proceed to the online waiver tool to submit.

The New West Hockey League reserves the right to impose any suspensions, fines, bans, or combination thereof with any player or team that is suited for any offenses made in the league.  This includes but is not limited to; Excessive penalty minutes for a team or player, conduct in or around the arena, behavior towards other players or arena staff or property, engaging in drugs or alcohol in or around the arena, threats made to anyone, verbal and or physical abuse of officials, timekeepers, other players, arena staff.